Friday, May 04, 2007

My favourite tv programme

The Oprah Winfrey Show is my favorite television program. This is so as it highlights international issues concerning poverty, inequality of women, child abuse among many others. Oprah is known throughout the world for her extraordinary personality and the desire to help those in need.
The program draws my attention because these are issues that governments worldwide and people should be concerned with but instead they are focusing on who is to be blamed for whatever and complaining about other trivial things.
Some persons do not seem to understand that each day we live is a privilege because some persons in Africa cannot afford to eat more than once per week and even if they manage to put a little food together, it is not enough to feed the entire family. The Oprah show shows us that every time we have the urge to complain we must think about those persons who are in more dilemma than ourselves, spend more time thanking God for what we have and stop complaining.
Inequality of women is like the norm in parts of India but some of us do not know that because we have not spent the time to find out what is going on around us. Women in Jamaica have more freedom than those in India and Oprah's show made me aware of this through her research and information.
This program is very informative and educational. Regardless of your age or status or even color, you can tune in to this program.


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